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Archive for the Month of January, 2005.
Viewing Iraq War NEWS articles 1 through 8 of 8.

January 23, 2005

Returning Fallujans will face clampdown - Fallujans will be returning to an Orwellian police state. Residents would receive badges displaying their home addresses that they must wear at all times. Under the plans, troops would funnel Fallujans to so-called citizen processing centers on the outskirts of the city to compile a database of their identities through DNA testing and retina scans.

January 24, 2005

Army Reserve breaking down, general warns - Lt. Gen. James R. Helmly, chief of the Army Reserve, wrote in an internal memorandum to the Army's top uniformed officer that the Reserve had reached the point of being unable to fulfill its missions in Iraq and Afghanistan and to regenerate it's forces for future missions.

January 25, 2005

U.S. Wraps Up Search for Banned Weapons in Iraq - After two years, over 2000 people searching, over 1000 soldiers dead, over 10,000 soldiers wounded, a country devasted and destroyed, many 100,000s Iraqis killed and close to 200 billion dollars spent. There are no WMD...oops??!!

January 26, 2005

Don't be fooled by occupation in democracy's clothing - People in many areas are being told that if they don't vote the food and supply rations they are supposed to get monthly will be cut off. What kind of democracy is that when you force people to go vote for someone or another they don't want.

Still in the dark over where to vote - or for whom - Iraqis are going to the polls unaware of the identities of many of the people they will be voting for. Although there are more than 7,700 candidates standing for seats in the new national assembly, hardly any of their names have been made public.

January 29, 2005

Skeptics question worth of Iraq election - "You can't have free and fair elections under occupation. They simply don't mean anything," he said. "This election is being forced by the Americans so they can say to the world, 'Look, we've brought democracy to Iraq. We're brought freedom to the Iraqi people.' It's all a sham."

The Salvador option - By any standard, the ongoing American occupation of Iraq is a disaster. The Pentagon is considering the organisation, training, and equipping of so-called "death squads", teams of Iraqi assassins, similar to what was organized in El Salvador.

January 31, 2005

U.S. Encouraged by Vietnam Vote : Officials Cite 83% Turnout Despite Vietcong Terror - History repeats itself. One of the bloggers at Daily Kos turned up this gem from the September 4, 1967, New York Times about the success of the "elections" in South Vietnam. An exact parallel to what is happening in Iraq today.


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