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Archive for the Month of October, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 1 through 75 of 516.

October 1, 2005

Pentagon revokes 9/11 officer's clearance - An officer who has claimed that a classified military unit identified four Sept. 11 hijackers before the 2001 attacks is facing Pentagon accusations of breaking numerous rules, charges his lawyer suggests are aimed at undermining his credibility.

New Flu Vaccine is Loaded With Mercury - It has been six years since the American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Public Health Service joined forces in requesting the removal of all mercury-containing preservative thimerosal from vaccines. How is it possible that they can approve vaccines that have a preservative that has been outlawed for six years?

Attack on Iran would rocket oil prices to 400 dollars - Oil prices on the international markets would shoot up to $400 a barrel if an attack were to be carried out on Iran, a senior Revolutionary Guards commander warned, Persian-language websites reported on Thursday.

Scholar says Bush has used obscure doctrine to extend power 95 times - The Bush administration has been using an extreme version of an obscure doctrine called the Unitary Executive Theory to justify executive actions that far exceed past presidents' power...

Colombian Farmers Occupy Town to Protest Drug War - The protest action is being realized, according to participants, because of the grave situation of health and nutrition that the local peasant farmers are currently enduring as a product of the indiscriminate fumigations of Plan Colombia. The farmers are demanding an end to the fumigations.

US outsources war to Filipinos - Filipinos are taking up work at US-run facilities in Iraq, dodging an official Philippines travel and employment ban on the war-torn country and providing the US military and its affiliated contractors the cheap, English-speaking manpower it is having increasing difficulty recruiting at home.

Bali Bombed Again, Intel Op Jemaah Islamiah Suspected - Indonesia’s ruthless Army Special Forces, Kopassus, was trained by the CIA (and U.S. Special Operations Forces in psychological operations) and is known for its covert ops (for instance, “Ninja” assassinations...Kopassus was also responsible for the murder of over 200,000 people on the island of East Timor.

Reparations - Yes, we must leave Iraq. We must leave now. However, we must also pay for reducing another country to rubble. We must pay for our arrogance of power.

Police Took Part In New Orleans Looting, Witnesses Say - The officers are alleged to have taken televisions and Rolex watches, as well as not acting to stop other looters.

FBI admits to wiretapping wrong numbers - The FBI would not say how often these mistakes happen. And, though any incriminating evidence mistakenly collected is not legally admissible in a criminal case, there is no way of knowing whether it is used to begin an investigation.

"Israel will take out Iran's nuke facilities if US does not" - If Washington and its allies do not stop Iran's nuclear programmes by force if necessary, Israel will, three Israeli legislators visiting the US have warned.

Cheaper Meat Doesn't Equal Happier Meals - Report - "Factory farms are breaking the cycle between small farmers, their animals, and the environment, with collateral damage to human health and local communities."

Chavez: Venezuela Moves Reserves to Europe - Venezuela has moved its central bank foreign reserves out of U.S. banks, liquidated its investments in U.S. Treasury securities and placed the funds in Europe, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said Friday.

October 2, 2005

International Human Rights Lawyer Points Out Absurdities in Hussein's Legal Defense - Dr. Curtis Doebbler, well-respected human rights lawyer and law professor, can't get American media to tell the truth about the legal farce going on in Bagdhad. He claims proceedings against the former Iraqi dictator have no merit since initial invasion violated international law. He also says Hussein's court appointed Iraqi attorney has been harrassed and had legal papers stolen by American authorities.

Andrew Young and vote theft - There is no mystery about what ails the American voting system. There is no guarantee that eligible voters will be able to vote and voters have no guarantee that their votes will be counted. Instead of addressing the obvious problems, politicians have instead decided to create new problems and disenfranchise more people than they have already. The Commission on Election Reform has given them the out that will do terrible harm.

CONSUMER GROUP CALLS BUSH A "LAWSUIT HYPOCRITE" - The Center for Justice & Democracy (CJ&D) today called the Bush Administration “the worst kind of hypocrite” for, on the one hand, denouncing injured consumers who file lawsuits, while at the same time filing its own case for civil damages against a manufacturer whose defective product endangered the President.

Bush Administration Found Involved in Illegal "Covert Propaganda" - The administration of President George W. Bush broke the law as it resorted to illegal "covert propaganda" in trying to sell its key education initiative to the public, US congressional investigators have found.

Permanent Occupation - Anyone familiar with the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) should be skeptical about the administration’s claims that it does not have plans for a permanent military presence in Iraq.

Bali II: Another Elusive Terror Mastermind on the Loose - Azahari bin Husin, said to be the explosives "mastermind" behind the Bali bombings this past weekend, has a very interesting background. He is not your average rural madrassa religious fanatic or "al-Qaeda" goat herder of the sort captured in Afghanistan.

Army Faces Worst Recruiting Slump in Years - The Army is closing the books on one of the leanest recruiting years since it became an all-volunteer service three decades ago, missing its enlistment target by the largest margin since 1979 and raising questions about its plans for growth.

Shock and awe: the night Baghdad burned. - How, I asked myself, does one describe this outside the language of a military report, the definition of the colour, the decibels of the explosions? The flight of the missiles sounded as if someone was ripping to pieces huge canopies of silk across the sky.

Big Brother is watching you - Google not only gathers vast amounts of personal data, it aspires to global domination - and that's creepy...


Melting Planet: Species are Dying Out Faster Than We Have Dared Recognize, Scientists Will Warn This Week - The erosion of polar ice is the first break in a fragile chain of life extending across the planet, from bears in the north to penguins in the far south

U.S. soldiers get off easy for crimes against Iraqis, review finds - Using previously undisclosed Army records, the Dayton (Ohio) Daily News found that dozens of soldiers have been accused of crimes against Iraqis since the first troops deployed for Iraq. But despite strong evidence and convictions in some cases, only a small percentage resulted in punishments nearing those that civilian justice systems routinely impose for such crimes.

October 3, 2005

A Disease for Every Pill - The pharmaceutical industry in the United States now spends more than $3 billion a year on direct-to-consumer advertising, promoting its most lucrative brands. Increasingly, however, these commercials are not just selling drugs but also the diseases that go with them.

Biological Warfare Against Bush Opponents? - How did francisella tularensis (tularemia), a deadly bacteria, show up on the Washington Mall precisely at the time one of the largest antiwar demonstrations in U.S. history was underway?

Britain recruited terrorists, Meacher claims - An astonishing claim that M16 recruited Muslim extremists in Britain for terror training abroad has been made by Oldham MP and former cabinet minister Michael Meacher.

No evidence backs up reports of rescue helicopters being fired upon - Among the rumors that spread as quickly as floodwaters after Hurricane Katrina, reports that gunmen were taking potshots at rescue helicopters stood out for their senselessness.

CBC in tentative deal with union - Canada's public broadcaster CBC has reached a tentative deal with its biggest union to end a long-running lockout affecting 5,500 employees.

Growing Gulf Between Rich and Rest of US - Since 2000, America's billionaire club has gained 76 more members while the typical household has lost income and the poverty count has grown by more than 5 million people.

Monitors Find Significant Fraud in Afghan Elections - Election officials and observers said Sunday that with 80 percent of the ballots counted in Afghanistan's national and provincial elections, they had found significant incidents of fraud.

The Great Green Scare: The Cancer Agents of the FBI - ...the FBI is acting as a federally-funded paramilitary force for the cancer industry and Extinction, Incorporated, as the Pinkerton Agency and National Guard once did for Anaconda Copper and Standard Oil.

File-Sharing Doomed, Warns Exec - Peer-to-peer file-sharing companies in the U.S. will cease to exist in their current forms over the next few months, the president of MetaMachine, the company responsible for the eDonkey software, predicts.

Clueless Americans on Democracy - As a cursory examination of history reveals, the United States government and military have never been in the business of "installing democracy" and in fact have consistently strived for the exact opposite.

Bush’s admin weighs actions against Syria - One option under consideration was launching a major offensive on several villages 30 to 40 miles inside Syria that the U.S. government claims have been harboring Iraqi rebels.

Google Proposes Free San Francisco Wi-Fi - Google Inc. wants to connect all of San Francisco to the Internet with a free wireless service, creating a springboard for the online search engine leader to leap into the telecommunications industry.

October 4, 2005

No more glory days for the Old Fox - Middle Eastern people will never forget the colonial record of Britain or the Old Fox’s efforts to loot their natural wealth.

Abu Ghraib: Business as Usual - In the aftermath of Private First Class Lynndie England’s conviction for abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib, she has told NBC’s Dateline "I know worse things were happening over there." In her first post-court-martial interview, England "said one night she heard blood-curdling screams coming from the block’s shower room, where non-military interrogators had taken an Arab detainee."

Iraqi Unions Defy Privatization - On April 9, 2003, U.S. tanks pulled up to Basra’s huge, dilapidated oil refinery. "We were coming out early, at the end of our shift, and there was the American army," recalls Faraj Arbat, one of the plant’s firemen. The soldiers trained their guns on the oil workers. The head of the fire department made the mistake of questioning the troops, and he was ordered to lie facedown on the ground.

Undoing Darwin: The media's role in undermining science in favor of ideology - As evolution, driven by such events, shifts out of scientific realms and into political and legal ones, it ceases to be covered by context-oriented science reporters and is instead bounced to political pages, opinion pages, and television news. And all these venues, in their various ways, tend to deemphasize the strong scientific case in favor of evolution and instead lend credence to the notion that a growing “controversy” exists over evolutionary science. This notion may be politically convenient, but it is false.

Bush Cites Military Takeover In Case Of Flu Outbreak - During this afternoon's White House press conference President Bush confirmed that he would attempt to impose military curfews and quarantines in case of a flu pandemic occurring in the United States.

China Shuts Down Web Sites in Crackdown - Chinese authorities have shut down an online discussion forum that reported on anti-corruption protests in a village in the country's south as well as a Web site serving ethnic Mongolians, overseas monitors said Tuesday.

"They blinded me " - Hypocrisy and a disregard for basic human rights and international laws continue to mark the American President’s so-called "war on terror".

"Thought police" are here - Australia just became a place where a citizen can be detained for two weeks without charge, and where a person convicted of no crime at all can be forced to wear an ankle bracelet that continuously broadcasts their movements to an unknown watcher for up to a year.

Blood, Sweat & Tears: Asia’s Poor Build U.S. Bases in Iraq - Tens of thousands of laborers have helped set new records for the largest civilian workforce ever hired in support of a U.S. war. They are employed through complex layers of companies working in Iraq.

Did the Miltary Use DC Protest to Test Bio-weaponTularemia? - On Thursday, two days before the march, the military conducted some sort of top secret exercise in the DC area; Bush and others cleared out of DC for the weekend; The CDC has found tularemia in filters placed around the Mall on Sept 24 and 25.

Behind barbed wire in Guantanamo - The group Physicians for Human Rights is urging an independent medical assessment of the fast, noting that the American Medical Association ethical code bans force-feeding prisoners who are on hunger strike.

Five Develop Nerve Disorder After Receiving Meningitis Vaccine - Five teenagers developed a serious neurological disorder within two to four weeks after receiving the vaccine Menactra, which prevents a severe and deadly form of meningitis, the Food and Drug Administration reported yesterday.

October 5, 2005

Commerce Department tells National Weather Service media contacts must be pre-approved - "There has been no explanation as to why this policy was issued. It does appear the intent of this policy is to restrict the flow of weather information to the national media," said the NOAA employee who also expressed concern over why Commerce is suddenly making blanket policy decisions for the NWS and deciding who can speak to the media.

Another British person captured in Iraq - An Iraqi border guard spokesman in Najaf, Saadun al-Jaabari, said guards arrested "a terrorist group consisting of 10 people, including one British national called Colin Peter, near Mathlum, near the Saudi border". The group was armed with machine guns and was carrying a video camera, a satellite telephone, and GPS satellite-tracking device, al-Jaabari added.

Facing up to the coming energy crisis - The spin and cover-up of the larger Peak Oil reality continues.

GOVERNMENT AND COMPUTER MANUFACTURERS CAUGHT INSTALLING HARD-WIRED KEYSTROKE LOGGERS INTO ALL NEW LAPTOP COMPUTERS! - Devices capture everything you ever type, then can send it via your ethernet card to the Dept. of Homeland Security without your knowledge, consent or a search warrant each time you log onto the internet!

Martial Law: It’s for the Birds - "The US military might have to quarantine areas of the United States if there was a serious outbreak of the deadly avian flu."

Activists' Homes Raided by FBI - Attorneys for the activists say the raids are the latest in a series of intimidation tactics used by federal prosecutors in their ongoing investigation.

AOL Time-Warner Censors Alex Jones Websites - Nationwide blackout a clear attempt to shut down free speech

David Shuster Slams Former Employer: Some FNCers "Would Cut Corners Or Steal Information...[Or] Just Make Things Up" - MSNBC correspondent David Shuster says his critical reporting about the Bush administration wouldn't have been welcome at his former employer, the Fox News Channel.

Want to check your e-mail in Italy? Bring your passport. - After Italy passed a new antiterrorism package in July, authorities ordered managers offering public communications services to make passport photocopies of every customer seeking to use the Internet, phone, or fax.

Student Brutalized by Cops, Right-Wing Students, for Protesting Recruiters At George Mason University - A Pakistani-American who served four years in the United States Air Force as munitions personnel was beaten and brutalized by right-wing students and campus police last Thursday at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Senate gives nod to recruiting older citizens - Legislation allowing military recruits to enter service up to age 42 and to create a new $1,000 finder’s fee for service members who tip off recruiters to good prospects has received tentative approval in the Senate.

Miers Briefed Bush on Bin Laden PDB, But Papers Handle Photo From That Day Quite Differently - An article by Richard A. Serrano and Scott Gold observes that early in the Bush presidency "Miers assumed such an insider role that in 2001 it was she who handed Bush the crucial "presidential daily briefing" hinting at terrorist plots against America just a month before the Sept. 11 attacks."

Peter Jennings leaves estate of over $50 million - ABC News anchor Peter Jennings, who died of lung cancer in August, left an estate valued at more than $50 million, most of which was willed to his fourth wife and to two children from a previous marriage.

Air Raids Terrorize Gaza Residents, Target Key Infrastructure - Israeli pilots carried out a series of air strikes accompanied by artillery barrages throughout the Gaza Strip, targeting civilian infrastructure, assassinating militants and striking fear into the population with deafening noise as low-flying F-16 fighter jets shatter the sound barrier overhead day and night.

US poverty: chronic ill, little hope for cure - Four decades after a U.S. president declared war on poverty, more than 37 million people in the world's richest country are officially classified as poor and their number has been on the rise for years.

France : a million protesters... - Clashes broke out between police and protesters at a rally in the Corsican port of Ajaccio, where tension has been running high over the planned privatisation of a state-owned ferry company.

Vaccine Ingredients - Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury, Etc - This following list of common vaccines and their ingredients should shock anyone

October 6, 2005

Arab channel seeks reporter's release - The Al-Arabiya Arab satellite news network has repeated its call for the release of one of its reporters being held by US forces in Iraq without charge.

US official admits spying for Israel - A top US Defence Department analyst with expertise in the Middle East has pleaded guilty to giving classified information to an Israeli embassy official and members of a pro-Israel lobbying group

The Outsourcing of Food - Call it the outsourcing of food. Following in the footsteps of blue-collar workers and, more recently, white-collar employees, the U.S.'s two million farmers face the prospect of being offshored as well.

Animals "hit by global warming'" - Climate change could lead to the extinction of many animals including migratory birds, says a report commissioned by the UK government.

Cheney warns of "decades of war" - US Vice-President Dick Cheney has said that the US must be prepared to fight the war on terror for decades.

Bankruptcy Filings Soar In Advance of New Law - Two weeks before a new, more restrictive national bankruptcy law goes into effect, financially strapped Americans are rushing to file for protection from their creditors, with filings climbing to an unprecedented average of 13,000 a day last week.

The Triumph of Ideology Over Reality: Blundering Into Syria? - Not content with the terrorist-breeding instability he caused by invading Iraq, President Bush is plotting with Israel to repeat the disaster in Syria.

Dirt cheap: Young workers ripped off - The federal Coalition government has announced plans to allow employers to further exploit young workers and apprentices, just as SA Unions released a report showing many young workers on individual contracts already receive shoddy pay, conditions and treatment in the workplace.

AOL buys Weblogs Inc. - Weblogs Inc., home to such notable blogs as Autoblog, Engadget, and The Unofficial Apple Blog (TUAW) has been purchased by AOL for an undisclosed sum.


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