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Archive for the Month of June, 2006.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 226 through 300 of 327.

June 21, 2006

The Supersonic Shape-Shifting Bomber - With a shift of its wing, the Pentagon’s next attack drone goes from long-range endurance flyer to Mach-speed assassin.

Tragic Holocausts - Then And Now - ...there indeed are many parallels in what the Nazis did to the Jews and what the Zionist Jews have been doing to the Palestinians.

Refugees of capital - Our problem is not poor people crossing our borders seeking work, but rich capital crossing their borders seeking profit. If we stop international finance's invasive penetration of other nation's borders, we won't have to worry about refugees illegally crossing ours.

CFR/Bilderberg Plan To Erase US Borders Finally Gets Attention - Bush "super-state" agenda to create American Union.

It's Time to break up the Media - The media is a fully-integrated part of the state power-structure. In its practical application, it is more valuable than the military. There are definite drawbacks to using force, whereas, propaganda and public relations tend to be less disruptive to the normal flow of business.

Defending Saddam: EXTREMELY Bad for your health - Qui Bono?

N. Korea and the U.S.: Clash of Authoritarian Titans - Bush tells North Korea "Don’t shoot – or I'll huff, and I'll puff, and I'll..."

While the Palestinians Face Genocide...7,400 millionaires living in Israel - According to World Wealth Report 2005, the number of Israeli millionaires per capita is twice world average.

Deja vu all over again: Merrill discovered in Chesapeake with shotgun wound to the head, weighed down with anchor. - Merrill death ruled suicide; Body found in water weighed down by an anchor; Merrill shot through head in a replay of 1978 "suicide" of CIA Deputy Director John Paisley.

Australian government presses ahead with plans to dominate East Timor - Having established an army of occupation in East Timor, the Australian government is engaged in ongoing political warfare on several fronts to ensure its predominance over the half-island.

Morales: U.S. Sending Soldiers in Disguise - Bolivian President Evo Morales Accuses U.S. of Sending in Soldiers Disguised As Students, Tourists

Scientific Analysis Proves Towers Brought Down By Incendiaries - Steven Jones' analysis on WTC steel about to be released

June 22, 2006

CNAC's Elite Agenda for the Border - Security, Temp Workers, and Oil

Minimum Wage: Lowest in 50 Years - Paying working folks a livable wage helps everyone, but it's been nine years -- and nine Congressional pay raises -- since the minimum wage was last increased.

CEOs earn 262 times pay of average worker - In fact, a CEO earned more in one workday than an average worker earned in 52 weeks...

Cooked Terror Plot Recycles Politics Of Fear - In another bizarre example of Tony Blair's government playing with the politics of fear, a discredited terror plot concerning Al-Qaeda plans to fly planes into London skyscrapers, an admitted fairy tale manufactured by government lobbyists, resurfaced today as a new story.

Al-CIA-Duh DVD Hits Toronto Streets - The "al-Qaeda" DVD, amateurish and cartoonish, is yet another propaganda ploy chucked into an unrelenting and turgid stream of propaganda concerning the mostly imaginary exploits of crazed Wahhabist Muslims...

Army raises maximum age again for new recruits - The U.S. Army, aiming to make its recruiting goals amid the Iraq war, raised its maximum enlistment age by another two years Wednesday.

Bush freaks out over abysmal EU poll numbers; invokes 9/11 - Quote of the Day

The middle of what? - America's political class looks more like royalty by another means than the product of a dynamic democratic system.

Propaganda: Hundreds of WMDs Found in Iraq - Do you want to see a story based on lies and do you want to compare it to Iraq’s WMD? Here is one...

"Precision" air strikes - In Iraq...In Palestine...

The end of Net neutrality? Big telecoms want to control the Internet - If you haven't been following this big story about the future of Net neutrality, I'll try to lay it out as simply as I can.

June 23, 2006

FAA Stonewalls Release of "Cocaine One" Records - Homeland Security Inc Scandal Off And Running

Inequality in America: The rich, the poor and the growing gap between them - The rich are the big gainers in America's new prosperity

Harkat informant called "insane" - Terrorism suspect freed on bail; expert attacks accuser's credibility

Study says Earth's temp at 400-year high - The National Academy of Sciences studied tree rings, corals and other natural formations, in part, to conclude that the heat is unprecedented for potentially the last several millennia.

Sears Tower Arrests: US Government Creates Another Al-Qaeda Cell - The Sears Tower is indeed under threat - not from government created patsies, but the elite itself.

Disgusting Iran-Contra Criminal Grills Jim Fetzer - Amazingly, the Bush Ministry of Lies and Disinformation, Fox News division, allowed co-chair of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Jim Fetzer, on the Hannity and Colmes show...

Great Moments in the History of Imperialism - I was moved to compile a list of the many kinds of misfortune which have fallen upon the heads of the Iraqi people as a result of the American liberation of their homeland. It's depressing reading...

Next Victim: Iran or North Korea? - The president will want to burnish his image as "war president" again...Hold onto your hats.

The Great Grain Robbery by Agribusiness MNC's - Dismantling Market Democracy, Creating Market Dictatorship

Fox Gets "Fair And Balanced" Access to Guantanamo - Afraid of American journalists, that is, as long as they’re not from Fox.

The True Cost of War - Just in terms of the money spent thus far, here are some of the things that could have been bought for the money that has been worse than wasted in Iraq...

June 24, 2006

Olmert: Israeli lives worth more than Palestinian ones - Almost three times as many Palestinian civilians have been killed in Gaza in the past nine days as Israeli civilians in Sderot killed by Qassam rockets in the past five years.

Shut Up, Go Shopping, Support the War, and Nobody Gets Hurt! - We’re Bending the Arc of the Universe Toward Injustice

Check Your Civil Rights at the Door - ...when you visit a Simon mall, don’t forget to check your civil rights at the door.

Israelis secretly arm Iraqis, Iran gets blamed - Israel is one of the world's leading weapons exporters

The 63 Characteristics Of Fascism And America's Development As A Fascist Nation - 27) Thought police and snitches...

The American Sheeple - Definition of Sheeple

Bush Should Get the Looters Out of Medicare - Private Insurers are looting the Medicare system

The Bush code of secrecy - How the White House is covering up CIA abductions, brutal interrogations and spying on Americans.

Baghdad in state of emergency - U.S. and Iraqi troops struggle with insurgents in armed street battle

Miami Seven Stand Accused of Thought Crime - Framing Nuwaubians as "al-Qaeda" Wannabes

June 25, 2006

FBI Exploits Mentally Ill in "Homegrown" Terrorism Effort - It is now an established pattern: the government seeks out mental cases and disturbed individuals and turns them into "al-Qaeda" terrorists, or wannabe al-Qaedaites.

Terrorism Myth: The "War on Terrorism" is a flourishing business for the corporate world - "The Bush Administration hawks are lumping together all kinds of reasons and excuses under the rubric of terrorism and exploiting the horror of 9/11 for political and corporate gain - the war against terrorism has become, in fact, a war for empire."

The Road From K Street to Yusufiya - The Department of Homeland Security...isn't really a government agency at all so much as an empty shell, a networking boot camp for future private contractors dreaming of big paydays.

Resume - George W. Bush - Resume: GEORGE W. BUSH 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington , DC 20520

Mystery Meat -- Let's Be Open About Food's Origins - Test Tube Meat Nears Dinner Table

The Not So Strange Case of Philip Merrill - I am...open to having it explained to me how Mr Merrill could have shot himself in the head while on the boat, as the blood seems to suggest he did, and then flung himself over the side with an anchor attached to his feet.

Peak Oil = Urban Ruin - Our economy depends so much on fossil fuel that a lack of oil without any alternative fuel sources would lead to total chaos.

Bush's Baghdad Palace - At a time when most Iraqis are enduring blackouts of up to 22 hours a day, the site is floodlighted by night so work can continue around the clock.

Zarqawi's death marks bloody downturn for US in Iraq - So much for the deadly blow that was allegedly dealt to Al Qaeda by Zarqawi's "death." Iraq is disintegrating.

THE LAST DAYS OF PRIVACY - As technology makes life richer and easier, we leave a trail of information that is susceptible to prying eyes

Big Brother is watching, but who is watching Big Brother? - ...government is casting its watchful eye on millions of ordinary Americans through largely unregulated surveillance cameras trained on public spaces throughout the nation.

June 26, 2006

Coalition Of The "Leaving" - Japanese forces start leaving Iraq base

US Collusion with Iraqi Death Squads - Operation Knockout in Diyala Demonstrates US Collusion with Death Squads

War is Still a Racket - "Our whole history shows we have never fought a defensive war." : --USMC General Smedley Butler, 1933

Kickbacks, cartels and chatrooms: how unscrupulous drug firms woo the public - Drug companies use unscrupulous and unethical marketing tactics not only to influence doctors to prescribe their products but also subtly to persuade consumers that they need them...

Fallujah - A city still under siege

Buffet donates $30 billion to the Gateses’ "Charity" - ...we're supposed to hail Bill and Warren, the former an extortionist and the latter a speculator, for their pretentious philanthropy?

Neocons Accuse "Liberal"New York Times of Treason - Michelle Malkin, neocon blogger and concentration camp advocate, has posted a spate of converted WWII posters on her site, taking the New York Times to task for reporting the news, albeit a year late.

Sea Lions and Dolphins May Join War Games - Alongside the submarines, ships and airplanes participating in large-scale military exercises in the Pacific this month, a team of sea lions and dolphins are expected to patrol the sea.

Jailbreak - Our Failing Prison System

Neocons Are Not Fascists, They’re Worse - ...the intellectual bullies and bloody professors who construct and support the ideology of democratic imperialism are doing far more damage than Mussolini ever did.

June 27, 2006

CFR Making Moves on American Sovereignty - Council on Foreign Relations has influence on Bush & Fox; group suggests the "Amero" be the new money of the Americas

Big Pharma's Big Graveyard - Drug Profits, Fraud and Death

Terror Expert: London Bomber Was Working For MI5 - A noted terror expert has told the BBC that Mohammed Siddique Khan, the alleged ringleader of the 7/7 London bombings, was working for British intelligence agency MI5 as an informant at the time of the attacks.

Adios Ward Churchill, 9/11 Official Version Guardian - ...too may folks on the left side of the political paradigm buy into Churchill’s nonsensical and flawed critique of nine eleven, joining the likes of Noam Chomsky and the gatekeeper Amy Goodman, to name but two.

Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Limp Hypocrite - Mr. Softee was returning on his private plane from a vacation...when his erectile dysfunction medication was confiscated.

The philanthropy of Warren Buffett - That one solitary human being has nearly forty billion dollars to dispose of, with a good deal left over, is appalling in itself, at a time when 1.1 billion people, one-fifth of the world’s population, live on less than $1 a day and some 3 billion on less than $2.

Seven Dipshits In A Warehouse - The latest terror cell to wage "ground war" on America

Hong Kong journalists slam China's plans to restrict media - The Hong Kong Journalists Association has condemned China's plans to tighten controls on the mainland's media, with the introduction of fines for reporting unauthorised information.

Worldwide Media Covers L.A. 911 Conference - 9/11 Skeptics Share Theories

Road to Map to Starvation - What's Next for the Palestinians?


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