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Bush movie creating headaches...
by Wayne Madsen    The Wayne Madsen Report
Entered into the database on Saturday, September 02nd, 2006 @ 16:44:08 MST


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U.S. intelligence sources report that the release of a fictional British movie drama, Death of a President, a made-for-TV film that depicts George W. Bush being mortally wounded by a Syrian-born assassin in Chicago, is creating headaches for National Security Agency (NSA) and other communications surveillance agencies that hone in on key words such as "Bush" and "assassination." The hype generated by the film is increasing the concatenation of suspect words and phrases in phone conversations and e-mails, resulting in surge processing of non-threatening communications by NSA filtering computers.

Britain's Channel 4, which is releasing the Bush movie, is also planning on releasing a movie on a fictional war crimes trial of Prime Minister Tony Blair.


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