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The reception John Bolton will face at the UN.
from The Wayne Madsem Report
Entered into the database on Sunday, July 31st, 2005 @ 11:05:31 MST


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The swaggering dolt in the White House believes that after he gives a recess appointement to the borish John Bolton as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, his mustachioed gunslinger and sworn liar will go to the East River in Manhattan and shake up the international organization and kick and whip them into kow-towing to the neocon line. What Bolton doesn't realize is that he will be working and living in a virtual fish bowl. Bolton will not only be under the scrutiny of every intelligence service that three-quarters of the 191 members of the UN maintain within their missions and the UN Secretariat and specialized agencies, but also the UN staff itself, an aggressive UN press corps, and an intensely anti-Bush population of New York City and its suburbs. So, if Mr. Bolton decides to engage in the type of group sex activities he once "enjoyed" at New York's Plato's Retreat in the 1970s and 80s and the physical and mental abuse he dished out to USAID contractor Melody Townsel in Moscow and Bishkek in 1994, he will face the kind of scrutiny he's never before experienced. The Russians clearly have the goods on Bolton from his past antics in New York, Moscow, Bishkek and they will be doubly sure to have him under heavy surveillance at the UN. Ditto the Chinese, the Arabs, Cubans, Venezuelans, Brazilians, French, South and North Koreans, Germans, South Africans, Iranians, Indians, Turks, Spanish, Canadians, and others. One screw up by Bolton, one temper tantrum, one sexual indiscretion, one episode involving espionage with the intelligence service of a so-called U.S. "ally" in the Middle East, and it will be surely leaked to the UN press corps and New York's scandal-hungry media. And then Bush and Rice will have to decide if they want a discredited clown like Bolton continuing to represent the United States -- and if they do -- the American people may decide otherwise and that will hammer yet another nail in the coffin of the Bush dynasty, the Republican Party, and the neocon movement.