Viewing 9-11 NEWS articles 1 through 75 of 349
BBC Anchor Who Reported on WTC7 Collapse Early Agrees There May Be a "Conspiracy" - Members of We Are Change UK questioned ex-BBC reporter Phil Hayton about the early reporting of WTC 7's collapse during a speaking appearance. (12952 views)
14 Structural Engineers Now Publicly Challenge Government's Explanation for Destruction of the World Trade Center - 14 structural engineers now publicly challenge the government's account of the destruction of the Trade Centers on 9/11. (14937 views)
List of Morons Who Slipped Up And Practically Admitted 9/11 Was An Inside Job - (65535 views)
Shocking New Revelations On 9/11 Ground Zero Cover-Up - First responder heard WTC 7 demolition countdown, was warned to "shut up" when he reported secondary explosions..."you hear three, two, one," said McPadden, adding that the official then gave a heartfelt look and told the first responders, "just run for your life". "And you heard - boom, boom, boom," said McPadden, describing the sound of bombs tearing down the building. (11456 views)
Rockefeller Predicted "Event" To Trigger War Eleven Months Before 9/11 - Hollywood director Aaron Russo recalls remarkable "forecast" of coming attack. Russo claims he was approached many times by the Rockefellers and other members of the CFR elite and that they warned him of the coming 9-11 attacks 11 months before they occurred. (7746 views)
The Dollar$ & $en$e Of 911 - Behind every great crime lies a great fortune. (6665 views)
9/11 an Inside Job - The Official Conspiracy Theory is Fraudulent and Unbelievable (16817 views)
The Pentagon after 9/11 - No video this time, no long article either. None needed. (10572 views)
How 50 Men May Have Engineered 911 - I've read a lot of commentary about the number of plotters it would have required to carry out an "Inside Job," black operation on September 11, 2001... (7622 views)
The Anglo-American empire’s 9/11 atrocity: criminality’s zenith - Five years ago, on September 11, 2001, the George W. Bush administration and its allies and functionaries carried out the spectacular mass murder of 3,000 US citizens, establishing the pretext to unleash an unprecedented worldwide rampage of criminality, and a permanent war of conquest (the manufactured "war on terrorism") that continues to escalate. (5294 views)
SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH ASSAILED - Members and movement attacked from several directions (4594 views)
9/11: 5 years later - Only the deluded or the paid-off still believe amateur Arab pilots did it (5525 views)
The Trouble with Steven E. Jones' 9/11 Research - Disturbed about the content and quality of physicist Steven E. Jones' 9/11 work, Drs. Morgan Reynolds and Judy Wood present a critique. It covers ten major issues which include demolition of WTC 7, demolitions of WTC 1&2, evidence for high-energy explosives, thermite, glowing aluminum, No Plane Crash Theory (NPCT instead of NPT) and other issues.
Interrogating 9/11 Five Years On - Cold War Pentagon Memo Confirms State-Sponsored Self Terrorism (6293 views)
9/11 Patsies Make Bin Laden Video Cameo Appearance - ... a large number of Americans will undoubtedly buy into the latest Osama bin Laden video purporting to show the Evil One lavishing attention on alleged hijackers Wail al-Shehri and Hamza al-Ghamdi prior to their supposed martyrdom... (4308 views)
Where was Osama on September 11, 2001? - There is evidence that the whereabouts of Osama are known to the Bush Administration. (6576 views)
BYU places "9/11 truth" professor on paid leave - Brigham Young University placed physics professor Steven Jones on paid leave Thursday while it reviews his involvement in the so-called "9/11 truth movement" that accuses unnamed government agencies of orchestrating the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center. (4860 views)
Larry "Lucky Larry" Silverstein - The members of a small cabal owned the WTC complex, controlled its electronic security, and also controlled the security not only for one of the airlines whose aircraft were hijacked on 9/11, but the airport from which they originated. (5271 views)
911 - A Modern Fairy Tale - Once upon a time in America, the land of opportunity, a group of foreign guys at a Florida strip club said: "Let's get Korans and boxcutters and hijack airplanes and crash them into skyscrapers." (4417 views)
The 9/11 Commission: - A PLAY ON NOTHING IN THREE ACTS (4185 views)
Father Of 9/11 Victim Says Government Ran Attack As Media Hit Pieces Continue - "Today, there are no ifs or buts in my mind that this was an inside job. The US government orchestrated it with the help of MI6 and Pakistan and Mossad. What they are telling us is bullshit. The hijackers were patsies and Osama bin Laden was set up" (3874 views)
Confessions of a Controlled Demolition Convert - …. And why I now believe the WTC was demolished. (5455 views)
Was Homeland Security Behind Attack On 911 Investigative Journalist Bollyn? - The "undercover tactical unit" involved in the assault and TASERing of a 9/11 investigative journalist at his Chicago-area home was most likely an operation ordered by the Department of Homeland Security... (4839 views)
911 Demolition Conclusive - With a growing base of evidence, it finally seems we can officially make a case for a controlled demolition of the World Trade Centers, buildings #1, #2, and #7. (6831 views)
Washington Post Doesn't Answer Why No Bin Laden 9/11 Indictment - Whitewash piece seeks to dismiss questions about FBI most wanted page but doesn't address why embassy indictment took 3 months yet no 9/11 charge after 5 years (3875 views)
9/11 Mystery Flight 93 - Shanksville - Donetsk - what's the difference ? - "It was as if the plane had stopped and let the passengers off before it crashed..." (42396 views)
Conspiracy Nuts And 9/11 - I have some friends who are conspiracy nuts. They believe, for example, that on 9/11 some clown named Osama bin Laden picked up his cell phone in a cave in Afghanistan and directed 19 Muslims, none of them professional pilots, to hijack four airliners and fly them into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon... (6317 views)
The 9/11 Chronicles: Destroying a Crime Scene - Giuliani brought in Controlled Demolition, the same highly suspect firm which had completed the destruction of the Murtagh Federal Building in Oklahoma City in 1995, disposing of all evidence in the process. (6536 views)
Eagle's Nest at Ground Zero - Was Giuliani's Office of Emergency Management (OEM) in WTC 7 the nerve center for the World Trade Center attacks? (5328 views)
Professor's 9/11 theories outrage NH leaders - A tenured professor of psychology at the University of New Hampshire believes an "elite" group within the federal government orchestrated the September 11th attacks on America. (4074 views)
Dear Democracy Now! - ...are the rumors that foundation funding will stop if Democracy Now! undertakes a serious examination of alternative 9/11 theories, (Referred to by many as "9/11 Truth") true? (4020 views)
GOP candidate says 9/11 attacks were a hoax - A Republican candidate for this area’s congressional seat said Wednesday that the U.S. government was complicit in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. (8696 views)
New WTC Complex Photos Highlight Bizarre Building 7 Collapse - Buildings 5 and 6, closer to towers burned throughout but did not collapse (11183 views)
Unquestioned Answers - Nonconspiracy theorist David Ray Griffin takes aim at the official 9-11 story (5659 views)
Under Fire! U.S. Army Intelligence Analyst Targeted For Suggesting New Independent 9/11 Investigation - Army: Doubting Official 9/11 Story Is "Disloyal To The United States" (6072 views)
Flight 93 "was shot down" claims book - Why did the engines go missing? Evidence suggests a sinister twist (9323 views)
100% official proof: Doubles on 911 at work - People might recall that the presence of Atta and Al Shehhi in Shuckums (Hollywood, FL) on September 7, 2001 posed a big challenges to the official story. Their heavy drinking in this bar has been witnessed by many and widely reported in the media. (4681 views)
9/11 Truth Scholars Jones and Fetzer Respond to World Net Daily Hit Piece - 9/11 Truth Scholar Jim Fetzer Responds Point-By-Point to Moseley's "Reprehensible" Article (4503 views)
911 Investigative Journalist Harassed And Beaten At His Home By Undercover Cops - Investigative journalists are not safe in Iraq or the United States. (7552 views)
What we know and don’t know about 9/11 - We know that it is strictly impossible for any building, much less steel columned buildings, to "pancake" at free fall speed. Therefore, it is a non-controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings is false. (17744 views)
911 - The Fairy Tale From Hell - Why should I care about who caused 9-11? (5454 views)
Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11 - I now think there is persuasive evidence that the events of September did not unfold as the Bush administration and the 9/11 Commission would have us believe. The items below highlight the major questions surrounding 9/11... (5384 views)
Presbyterian Church publishes 9/11 conspiracy theory - The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)'s publishing arm has released a book that says President Bush organized New York's Sept. 11 attacks (4850 views)
Debunking Popular Mechanics' 9/11 Lies - Nepotism, bias, shoddy research and agenda-driven politics (13655 views)
Twin Towers wreckage turning up all over the place - And you thought all the 9/11 WTC wreckage was swept up in eight months and sent to be smelted in foreign countries or secret places in our own strange land, right? (20449 views)
9/11 Commission Admits: All Politics - So why does anyone still believe the mythical "official version" of 9/11 as told by the Commission? (5182 views)
Mounting Public Opinion Forces Fox into Retreat - Disbelief Caused by Bush "Hatred" Say '"No Spin" News Heads Descending Deeper into the Defensive (4106 views)
Eleven Questions Avoided by Corporate Media concerning DoD Lies & 9/11 Commission Cover-up - Here are Eleven Questions that the corporate media have thus far refused to raise or attempt to answer in their examination of the NORAD tapes and related issues (5273 views)
911 "Conspiracy Theorists" Vindicated: Pentagon deliberately misled Public Opinion - Military officials made false statements to Congress and to the 911 Commission (6088 views)
Was 9/11 an "inside job"? - More than a third of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East... (3723 views)
NORAD Tapes Only Intensify Implausibility Of 9/11 Official Story - ...were the planes being controlled by some other means than morons who could barely get single engine Cessna's off the ground - but who apparently ran the world's most sophisticated air defense ragged for hours? (8571 views)
A Skeptic on 9/11 Prompts Questions on Academic Freedom - "The 9/11 report will be universally reviled as a sham and a cover-up very soon...The 9/11 commission has its conspiracy theory, and we have ours." (4180 views)
9/11 Panel Suspected Deception by Pentagon - Maj. Gen. Larry Arnold and Col. Alan Scott told the commission that NORAD had begun tracking United 93 at 9:16 a.m., but the commission determined that the airliner was not hijacked until 12 minutes later. (3911 views)
Showtime - Look Inside The 911 Smoke Plume - The TRIGGER for 9/11 was a 9/6 weather forecast for a clear day for visual flying and a NW wind to blow the North Tower smoke plume across the South Tower to hide a US Navy helicopter. (11326 views)
C-Span Firestorm: 9/11 Truth Symposium Gains Momentum - Scholars symposium to re-air again on Tuesday (3759 views)
Following Zakheim and Pentagon trillions to Israel and 9-11 - Dov and the World Trade Center (7148 views)
C-Span Airing Of L.A. Conference Shows Mainstreaming Of 9/11 Truth - Fresh injection of credibility advances movement (6788 views)
Strange Times at the Pentagon - ...there are multiple lines of evidence showing that an explosion occurred at the Pentagon on 9/11 at 9:32 a.m.. The official story says that Flight 77 did not hit the building until at least 9:37 a.m. (4884 views)
Chertoff cousin, McCain team up for 9/11 disinfo blitz - Not satisfied with confining its straw men and lies to magazine format, Hearst has expanded the magazine article to a thin little paperback book... (6059 views)
Pentagon Papers Author Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11 - Predicts Bush Regime Will Stage Terrorist Attack to Provide Pretext for Iran, Syria Invasion, And Justify Internment Camps for American People. (7699 views)
9/11 Aicraft Registry Oddities - How can American Airlines flights show the planes destroyed and the registration cancelled, while both United flights show the planes as simply being cancelled without explanation 4 years after they allegedly were destroyed? Why? (18059 views)
Post-9/11 Option Grants Under Scrutiny - WSJ: After 9/11 as stocks sank, scores of US firms rushed to give millions in options to top execs (4146 views)
Pentagon 911 Witness - Interview with April Gallop - "From my inside perspective, with no knowledge of what had actually happened on the outside, it did sound like a bomb...And I don't recall at anytime seeing any plane debris." (13727 views)
A Hundred Firecrackers - How can pancaking floors sound like hundreds of firecrackers during the grand finale at a major fireworks show? (4186 views)
9/11 Pentagon eyewitness IDs Global Hawk - As an EMT, he ran over to help at the pentagon, but found no bodies, no wreckage from a boeing aircraft on the scene. (20030 views)
Planes of 911 Exceeded Their Software Limits - There is only one way this can happen (10258 views)
Connecting The Dots - Zionists & 911 - Compromise security and you can conquer a city, state or nation (5438 views)
Representative Of Largest 9/11 Families Group Says Government Complicit In Attack - The representative of the largest group of 9/11 families says that the official version of events is a fallacy and that the NORAD stand down and evidence of incendiary devices used to bring down the towers amount to government complicity in the attacks... (4795 views)
Churchill’s ashes still hot; Barrett next to be burned at stake - Kevin Barrett is being skewered without much oil for lubrication in preparation for public burning at the proverbial stake simply for being a university educator who had the audacity to speak up and out in public about the government’s complicity in the crimes of September 11 (3655 views)
Norge "Le Monde" puts 9/11 on Front Page - Was September 11th an inside job? (16015 views)
9/11: The Myth and the Reality - by David Ray Griffin - Myth Number 1: Our political and military leaders simply would not do such a thing (22238 views)
Scholars for 9/11 Truth under Attack - Member's children threatened by name, teacher's position under assault (4718 views)
The Israeli Moles Who Controlled U.S. Defense Computers on 9/11 - ...I have spent many hours digging into the criminal network behind the 9/11 terror attacks. What I have found leads me to believe that Israelis are behind these "false flag" attacks on the United States. (6641 views)
Former Reagan Deputy and Colonel Says 9/11 "Dog That Doesn't Hunt" - Col. Ronald D. Ray asks why half a trillion defense budget couldn't protect Pentagon, astounded at "conspiracy theory" put out by government (4006 views)
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