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Archive for the Month of May, 2005.
Viewing War on Terrorism NEWS articles 1 through 15 of 15.

May 11, 2005

Errant flight prompts Capitol evacuations - A small plane strayed within three miles of the White House on Wednesday, leading to frantic evacuation of the executive mansion and the Capitol with military jets scrambling to intercept the aircraft and firing flares to steer it away.

May 13, 2005

Cuba 'plane bomber' was CIA agent - Declassified US government documents show that a man suspected of involvement in the bombing of a Cuban passenger plane worked for the CIA. Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban-born Venezuelan and anti-Castro dissident, was an agent and informer.

May 14, 2005

19 killed in anti-US protests in Afghanistan - Nineteen persons were killed and more than 50 injured in Afghanistan on Friday in new protests against American interrogators' desecration of Islamic holy book Quran, local police and residences said.

Afghanistan riddled with drug ties - The involvement of local as well as high-level government officials in the opium trade is frustrating efforts to eradicate poppy fields.

Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents" -- and Global Terrorism? - The requirement of an ever-escalating level of social violence to meet the political and economic needs of the insatiable "anti-terrorist complex" is the essence of the new US militarism. What is now openly billed as "permanent war" ultimately serves the geo-political ends of social control in the interests of US corporate domination, much as the anti-communist crusade of the now-exhasuted Cold War did.

May 16, 2005

Lawsuits could shed light on anthrax probe - Three and a half years after the FBI launched what it deems its "largest investigation in history," the agency has not charged anyone for sending anthrax-laced letters through the mail in September 2001. During the attacks, 22 people became sick from the deadly bacterium; five of them died.

May 21, 2005

Librarian's brush with FBI shapes her view of the USA Patriot Act - On June 8, 2004, an FBI agent stopped at the Deming branch of the Whatcom County Library System in northwest Washington and requested a list of the people who had borrowed a biography of Osama bin Laden. We said no.

May 23, 2005

New Swedish Documents Illuminate CIA Action - Probe Finds 'Rendition' Of Terror Suspects Illegal.

Homeland Security Weighs Plane Shootdowns - The Homeland Security Department is considering whether it should seek authority for its pilots to shoot down errant planes around the nation's capital like the one that came within three miles of the White House this month.

May 25, 2005

Libya lobbyist holds seat on top U.S. Energy board - Although the United States still classifies Libya as a terrorism sponsor, the U.S. lobbyist for Muammar Gaddafi has for the past year quietly held a seat on the Energy Department's top advisory board, and the former energy secretary who appointed her now serves on the board of a major U.S. oil company seeking contracts in Libya.

"Everybody heard him cry out and thought it was funny." - In U.S. Report, Brutal Details of 2 Afghan Inmates' Deaths. Even as the young Afghan man was dying before them, his American jailers continued to torment him.

May 26, 2005

Afghans left out of their own rebuilding - After years of depending on the international community for help, Afghans are frustrated that they are not more involved in the rebuilding of their own country.

May 27, 2005

Selective U.S. Prosecutions in Torture Scandal Underscore International Obligation to Investigate U.S. Officials - Amnesty International called on foreign governments to uphold their obligations under international law by investigating U.S. officials implicated in the development or implementation of interrogation techniques that constitute torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. The individuals, who, to date, have either dodged investigation or escaped sanction, include those at the highest levels of government, such as President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, as well as Attorney General Gonzales and former CIA Director George Tenet. Amnesty International establishes that more than 125 countries have legislation permitting investigation of serious crimes committed outside their borders.

May 28, 2005

Defense Department Personnel Impersonated State Department Officials in Guantánamo Interrogations, FBI Documents Show - Documents released by the FBI state that Defense Department personnel impersonated State Department officials in interrogations at Guantánamo Bay, the American Civil Liberties Union said today.

May 31, 2005

C.I.A. Expanding Terror Battle Under Guise of Charter Flights - When the Central Intelligence Agency wants to grab a suspected member of Al Qaeda overseas and deliver him to interrogators in another country, an Aero Contractors plane often does the job. If agency experts need to fly overseas in a hurry after the capture of a prized prisoner, a plane will depart Johnston County and stop at Dulles Airport outside Washington to pick up the C.I.A. team on the way.


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