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Archive for the Month of November, 2005.
Viewing ALL NEWS articles 301 through 375 of 525.

November 19, 2005

Vanunu held after West Bank visit - Israeli ex-nuclear technician Mordechai Vanunu has been held for allegedly violating restrictions imposed after his release from prison in 2004.

Al-Qaeda the Database Unbound - ..."al-Qaeda" never existed in the form now claimed by the Bushites and the corporate media, "al-Qaeda" was in fact a database of CIA recruited and trained mujahideen and an email connected to that database, Osama bin Laden had nothing to do with that database and thus all references in the corporate media claiming he is the leader of “al-Qaeda” the fantastical terrorist organization are false (if not deliberately contrived lies)...

50 Percent of American Cretins Think Torture Works - If we can believe the Pew Research Center in Washington, nearly fifty percent of all Americans not only believe torture is justified against “suspected terrorists” (i.e., Pakistani and Afghan cab drivers and dirt farmers kidnapped and then sold to the CIA), but also that it works.

The CIA's Secret Budget - How big is the intelligence budget? Usually we don't know because it's classified. Except this year we do know—it's $44 billion.

FDA approves injecting ID chips in patients - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the practice of injecting humans with tracking devices for medical purposes, according to a Florida company that makes the devices.

Congress Helps Self to $3,100 Pay Raise - The Republican-controlled Congress helped itself to a $3,100 pay raise on Friday, then postponed work on bills to curb spending on social programs and cut taxes in favor of a two-week vacation.

Ashcroft turns into hired gun - Justice Department drops case against company he counseled

British-trained police in Iraq "killed prisoners with drills" - British-trained police operating in Basra have tortured at least two civilians to death with electric drills...

CIA's Harsh Interrogation Techniques Described - Sources Say Agency's Tactics Lead to Questionable Confessions, Sometimes to Death

November 20, 2005

Family Members of the Doomed 9/11 Flights 'Strangely Silent' About Irregularities and Inconsistencies of Official Government Story - Except for Ellen Mariani, whose husband was reported on Flight 175, others who lost relatives on the airplanes have kept quiet in stark contrast to those who lost loved ones at Ground Zero. But when those from the 'airplane community' talk like Linda Gay and Frank Calley, who respectively had family members on Flight 11 and 77, they accept the government 9/11 story hook, line and sinker.

Survey: U.S. workers feel less secure - Workers in the United States are far more nervous about losing their jobs than they were six months ago and are now among the least confident employees among the world's leading economies.

Why We Should De-Couple Health Care From Employment - Eliminate the current $126 billion tax subsidy. Use the money instead as a down payment on a universal and affordable system of health insurance – available to everyone regardless of how much they earn, where they work, or even whether they have a job.

Your Birthright, Up For Grabs - For sale cheap: 270 million acres of national forest and public land. It could happen under a budget bill being debated in Congress.

U.N. claims U.S. social system violates human rights - High health care costs and lack of low-cost housing exacerbate poverty and this can be seen as a human rights abuse, concluded a 17-day fact-finding mission by the U.N. Commission on Human Rights...

There is a Name for this Government-Corporation we call "The US Administration" - There is a name for this kind of government-corporation and the society it creates and it is Fascism, pure and simple. There just isn’t any other way to describe people like Rumsfeld or Cheney.

The Man Who Sold the War - Meet John Rendon, Bush's general in the propaganda war

Thousands in Mass. to get cheaper oil: Delahunt, Chávez help broker deal - A subsidiary of the Venezuelan national oil company will ship 12 million gallons of discounted home-heating oil to local charities and 45,000 low-income families in Massachusetts next month under a deal arranged by US Representative William D. Delahunt, a local nonprofit energy corporation, and Venezuela's president, White House critic Hugo Chávez.

Chavez renews trade pact attack - Thousands of Venezuelans have joined a march against the economic policies of US President George Bush and his Mexican counterpart, Vicente Fox.

UK is accused over "torture flights" - Ministers have been accused of turning a blind eye to "torture flights" refuelling at UK airports, despite warnings that they may breach international law.

Ex-Halliburton worker gets 15-month jail sentence - A former Halliburton Co. worker was sentenced on Friday to 15 months in prison after pleading guilty in federal court in Illinois to taking more than $110,000 in kickbacks from an Iraqi company in 2004.

US corporate excess under fire as unions go on the attack - US unions, weakened by public apathy and internal splits, are fighting back with an online database that accuses corporate supremos of lining their own pockets while grinding down their employees.

Tim Collins trained troops to fight with white phosphorus - Col Tim Collins, the controversial Iraq war commander, trained his soldiers to use white phosphorus, which burns through flesh to the bone, in combat against enemy troops.

Richard "Prince of Darkness" Perle Has Friends in Low Places - Richard Perle, former top US "defense" advisor, unflinching advocate of Ahmad Chalabi, key member of the Project for a New American Century, and top 'Israeli-first' propagandist, may find himself back in the limelight, as his associate, Conrad Black, defends against multi-million dollar fraud charges.

Plane allegedly linked to CIA front landed in Canada: records - Plane allegedly linked to CIA front landed in Canada: records

Frontline police of new Iraq are waging secret war of vengeance - In July, Peter Beaumont revealed the existence of torture squads at work in the new Iraq. Here he reports on a sinister twist - a brutal campaign of political "disappearances".

Citizen Groups Fight Corporates for Free Internet in US Cities - Despite strong opposition from giant telecommunications corporations, a growing number of cities across the United States are preparing plans to provide free, high-speed wireless Internet access to their low-income residents.

The Big Thaw: Global Disaster Will Follow If the Ice Cap on Greenland Melts - Now scientists say it is vanishing far faster than even they expected.

Inmate tries suicide, on hunger strike - A Bahraini man being held at the U.S. prison for terrorism suspects attempted suicide this week for the ninth time and has begun a hunger strike...

Ground Zero Worker and 9/11 Hero Dying of Cancer From Toxins at WTC - White House And New York Officials Deny Liability and Have Thrown Victims into the Streets Like Pieces of Garbage.

November 21, 2005

New War On The Poor to Accommodate the Wealthiest 0.2% - A GOP Scrooge Xmas

Neolib Genghis Khan Invades Mongolia - As the "leader of the free (trade) world," Bush occasionally makes trips abroad, visiting far-flung outposts of the neoliberal empire, most recently Mongolia, a small land-locked nation of debatable significance, except for the fact it is a textbook case in globalism. It also helps that Mongolia is strategically placed in regard to China.

Hugo Chavez and the Crawford Madman - Bush has reinforced the feudal system of upward redistribution, creating even greater structural injustices that are hurting those who are least able to protect themselves. Chavez’s generosity shines a light on a voracious system that is increasingly turning inwards and wreaking havoc on the poor.

Orderly protest - ...they were still there, more than 15,000 SOA Watch protesters gathered outside the main gate of Fort Benning. For the 16th consecutive year, the protesters demanded the closing of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, formerly known as the School of the Americas.

US troops kill Iraqi civilians - Two men and a child were killed and three people were wounded, Warren said. Survivors disputed the military's account, insisting that five family members, including two children, died and four were wounded as bullets tore through the van.

Economic Apartheid in America - Top executives now make more in a day than the average worker makes in a year.

The Congressional Millionaires Club - The result of having too many wealthy people in office is having calamitous impacts on America’s working class families -- the backbone of our society. It has resulted in the breakdown of the family unit. Wealthy people are likely to look out for their own financial interests rather than the welfare of society, especially the poor. This form of government excludes the vast majority of the citizenry from the process and leaves them utterly without representation. It leaves them alone and vulnerable to predation by the rich.

Iranian nukes: When bullying is not enough, try disinformation - The serendipitous discovery of an Iranian laptop full of incriminating details about a nuclear warhead will eventually take its place in the same intel hall of BS as the yellowcake from Niger, Saddam's aluminium tubes and those funny vials Colin Powell held up before the Security Council in January 2003.

The first Thanksgiving: Prelude to genocide - As European-American settlers pushed westward in the late 18th century and through the 19th century, land theft of a massive scale ensued. In 1830, the 23rd Congress of the United States passed the "Indian Removal Act," legitimizing the land greed of the white settlers and resulting in the death or displacement of countless Native Americans.

Latin America says, "No mas," to America's corporatocracy - While he may be dead in the corporal sense, the spirit of Simon Bolivar continues to wage the struggle for freedom from oppression.

Feds ramp up spying on journalists, other Americans - Increased surveillance of journalists is only part of a stepped-up federal efforts to monitor day-to-day activities of Americans.

November 22, 2005

Memo: Bush wanted Aljazeera bombed - ... Bush wanted to attack the satellite channel's headquarters in Doha, Qatar.

Report: Iraqis losing out on oil fortune - Up to $113 billion in Iraqi oil revenues are going to multinational oil companies under long-term contracts, and not to the Iraqi people, says a social and environmental group.

Chemical Farm - Consider the centerpiece of the Thanksgiving feast, the hybrid turkey raised in a factory farm in conditions of pain and squalor on a diet of chemical-infused feed. Close confinement requires the use of a long list of antibiotics to control such diseases as rhinotracheitis and colibacillosis. And let's not talk about what the bird picks up during processing. One of the last stages at the slaughterhouse is a dip in chlorine to wash off pathogens.

Torture Under the Philosophical Guidance of Cheney - "There’s no question in my mind where the philosophical guidance and the flexibility in order to do so originated—in the vice president of the United States’ office. His implementer in this case was Donald Rumsfeld and the defense department..."

Padilla indicted, but not in "dirty bomb" case - Jose Padilla, the accused "dirty bomb" terrorist has been formally charged with terrorism-related offenses, but no charge directly related to the radiological terrorism he was accused of plotting. Is this a tacit admission by the White House that they were wrong?

U.S. put ex-con in charge of cash for rebuilding of Iraq - He's now charged with taking bribes while in Baghdad

The Failure of Nation-Building in Bosnia and Iraq - "In both countries, the United States should stop its risky attempts to create a strong national government and allow genuine self-determination."

Project Paperclip: Dark side of the Moon - Sixty years ago the US hired Nazi scientists to lead pioneering projects, such as the race to conquer space.

An Illuminati Primer - The Religious Nature of Politics

Executed man may have been innocent - Witness, co-defendant tell newspaper man wasn't guilty

X’ing Out Cheney: Sounds Good to Me - ...a mere X on Cheney’s face is hardly recompense for Cheney’s long and sordid career as a war criminal and scourge of humanity. I’ll feel better when he’s in an orange jumpsuit.

Americans Slammed by Credit Card Debt - The Average American Owes $9,000

Empty bellies and empty elections - The desperate situation of the people of imperialist-occupied Haiti has grown worse. Hunger and random brutality, according to a report produced by the InterAmerican Commission on Human Rights and the Latin American office of UNICEF, are the daily fare of children and teenagers in Haiti.

Mordechai Vanunu, Israeli Nuclear Whstle Blower, Released From Jail Early Sunday After Being Held 36 Hours in Isolation for Suspected Parole Violations - Vanunu said authorities are looking for "any little thing" to put him back in jail after serving 18 years for blowing the whistle on Israel's nuclear stockpile.

ACLU sues volunteers for event with Bush - The American Civil Liberties Union on Monday sued volunteers for an event with President Bush, saying they violated the civil rights of two people who were tossed out because of their political views.

Torture Inc.: Everywhere the U.S. sets eyes - We have created and fostered an environment of human rights atrocities: nurtured by an ideology of the ends justifies the means, and that brutality is acceptable; fertilized by secrecy and "disappearing" people; watered by the denial of any rights to those detained - whether known or unknown.

The ghosts of our imperial past haunt Iraq - Britain left the subcontinent bleeding. Some wounds, like Kashmir, remain unhealed today.

Group condemns attacks on journalists - The Paris-based Reporters Without Borders organisation has strongly condemned the use of violence to intimidate journalists in Egypt.

Hunger kills "6m children a year" - No developing region is on track to meet the international goal of reducing the number of hungry people by half, a UN agency has warned.

Snows fail to fall in Arctic tundra - Life is harsh on the freezing tundra of the Arctic Circle where Anna Prakhova lives. But it can be much harder when snows do not fall.

UK's deadly legacy: the cluster bomb - It is feared that thousands of bomblets lie unexploded in Iraq, capable of maiming or killing innocent civilians.

November 23, 2005

Yosfiya: The 21st Century Nazis Are Here - The Iraqi police Special Forces, Al-Hussein Brigades, came at dawn. There were around 20 pick ups full of them. They were hit on the highway very badly from a place behind the Yosfiya Water Project, east of the village. Tens of them were killed. Their cars were burnt. Some of them hid inside the village. The battle went on for 3 hours. In the end some of them managed to run away. In the afternoon, the same day, more forces returned back accompanied by the American troops and helicopters. They evacuated their dead, raided the houses, killed and arrested the men, humiliated the families, killed the cows and chickens, destroyed the yards, and set the village on fire.

Israel drops leaflets on Lebanon town - Shortly after the helicopter incursion into Lebanese airspace, six Israeli warplanes roared over the eastern sector of south Lebanon, including the towns of Nabatiyah and Marjayun, and then over Tyre...

Troops teargas West Bank pupils - "The problem is not with the students. The problem is the army and the checkpoints. Pupils who are six and seven years old should not have to be subjected to body searches."

US blasted for selling Indonesia arms - Rights groups have criticised the US move to supply Indonesia with arms, citing potential for further rights abuses and the lack of accountability.

UK gags paper over Aljazeera memo - Britain's Daily Mirror newspaper has been ordered to cease publishing further details from an allegedly top secret memo revealing that US President George Bush wanted to bomb Aljazeera.

No Thanks to Thanksgiving - Simply put: Thanksgiving is the day when the dominant white culture (and, sadly, most of the rest of the non-white but non-indigenous population) celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers.

War protesters arrested near Bush ranch - Daniel Ellsberg among those detained

The Staged Terror Is Set (For War With Iran) - The latest globalist mouthpiece to jump on the Iran nuke threat bandwagon is Newt Gingrich. A regular attendee of the annual Summer camp at the Bohemian Grove, and long term CFR member, Gingrich has commented that the Iran threat is like that of Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

Savaging the Law in the Padilla case - Set Padilla Free

Bush critics get goon treatment - Is the Internal Revenue Service starting to police free speech in America? Has it, in this administration of cronies and corruption, become an arm of the White House, using tax law to squelch those who would question the president?

US secures continued control of Internet naming system - The decision has been presented in the US media as a victory for "common sense" and against "government control of the Internet," but in fact maintains the government control which already exists—the unilateral control of the US government.

Iraqi Food Security: Destroyed and then Deconstructed - Food. Access to food. The right to produce food. The right to sell food. The ability to purchase food. These simple maxims are the foundation to a sovereign, healthy economy. These simple maxims were – and continue to be – denied to the people of Iraq.

Venezuela sending cheap oil to Massachusetts - Two nonprofit groups sign deal to aid low-income residents

GM job cuts will devastate North American cities - General Motors’ plan to eliminate 30,000 hourly jobs by 2008, announced Monday in Detroit, will have devastating consequences for cities in the United States and Canada, and its ripple effects will hit working class communities throughout the two countries.


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