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Archive for the Month of September, 2005.
Viewing Disaster in New Orleans NEWS articles 76 through 123 of 123.

September 10, 2005

Tom DeLay "Now Tell Me The Truth Boys, Is This Kind Of Fun?'' - This morning, U.S. House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's visit to the Reliant Park this offered him a glimpse of what it's like to be living in shelter.

Is This a civilized society? - What kind of country leaves the bodies of its citizens to rot in the streets?

September 11, 2005

FEMA Nixes Grassroots Radio Station for Hurricane Evacuees - Supporters of KAMP, which was set to launch at 95.3 FM, blame red tape and bureaucrats seeking to "manage the news."

Flood survivors cuffed as evacuation begins - Armed police have begun to handcuff hurricane survivors who refuse to leave their homes in New Orleans.

Zero Access and the First Amendment - In the new New Orleans, where the paradigm of the Bush police state is field tested, the media is not allowed to inform Americans of the death toll in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Or so FEMA’s military overseer of "victim recovery efforts" (confiscating guns and kicking in doors), Gen. Russel Honore, would have it. Terry Ebbert, homeland security director of the new New Orleans, explained Honore’s reason for banning the media (and assault journalists and photographers and steal the memory cards from their cameras): Not even CNN, usually an obedient worker bee for the Bushian message, was willing to put up with the Honore dictum.

Firms with Bush ties snag Katrina deals - Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Joe Allbaugh: From Ex-FEMA Head to Katrina Whore - Like George Bush Jr. himself, who failed his way to the top (his "management" wrecked every business he ever ran), Bush crony Joe Allbaugh has also perfected the art of failing upward.

'They lied to us to get us to move' - ...they began firing their weapons over our heads. This sent the crowd fleeing in various directions. As the crowd scattered and dissipated, a few of us inched forward and managed to engage some of the sheriffs in conversation. & [They] informed us there were no buses waiting. The commander had lied to us to get us to move."

Cover-up: toxic waters "will make New Orleans unsafe for a decade" - Toxic chemicals in the New Orleans flood waters will make the city unsafe for full human habitation for a decade, a US government official has told The Independent on Sunday. And, he added, the Bush administration is covering up the danger.

VIDEO: Earwitness tells ABC explosives blew Industrial Canal levee - Total411.info has obtained video of an ABC News report featuring an earwitness to explosives used to destroy the Industrial Canal in New Orleans.

September 12, 2005

25 Mind-Numbingly Stupid Quotes About Hurricane Katrina And Its Aftermath - #13) "We finally cleaned up public housing in New Orleans. We couldn't do it, but God did." –Rep. Richard Baker (R-LA) to lobbyists, as quoted in the Wall Street Journal

Mercenaries guard homes of the rich in New Orleans - Two Israeli mercenaries from ISI, another private military company, were guarding Audubon Place, a gated community. Wearing bulletproof vests, they were carrying M16 assault rifles.

September 13, 2005

All eyes on Halliburton as contacts turn into contracts - With the floodwaters still high in New Orleans last week, with 25,000 body bags on their way to the city, with the Gulf of Mexico oil industry crippled - 160 platforms and 16 rigs still evacuated, oil refineries shut down - there was one group of people who, nevertheless, could see some good coming out of the wreckage. Who? Halliburton shareholders.

New Orleans: "deliberate act of sabotage was the opening of floodgates" - I talked to his uncle today about these allegations that the levee was deliberately blown. His nephew was nearby and confirms that residents heard a series of explosions before the levee "failed".

FEMA and Katrina: REX-84 Revisited - "FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic."

No War But Class War! - Look upon the city of New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast now, and you see the true face of capitalism. It is time, sisters and brothers, for a revolution. How can we not look at the city of New Orleans and see that it is time for those of us who work and support the Bush administration, the Democrats who play polite political games with them for a chance at the same hegemony they now exercise, for us to band together and demand a new nation, an new government. How can we not understand that we are expendable? That we are merely resources that represent the capital they covet, and for which they produce nothing, but demand everything from us?

Bush, CNN and Journalistic Objectivity - And then two black women approach the "President of the United States," as the anchorwoman reminds us at this moment (Really! Take note! Think about the importance of this moment!) He greets them as if they had an appointment. A woman and her daughter appear. Why these two? Were they waiting for him? Who chose them?

US media hails martial law general in New Orleans - No cliché is spared in extolling the martial law commander. He doesn’t speak, he "barks." He doesn’t walk, he "strides." He is, the Post reporter tells us, "a soldier’s soldier, the man you want in the trenches with you, the kind of man who’ll cover your back."

September 14, 2005

New Orleans SWAT Team Thugs Wear Flaming Skulls - A picture postcard of the new Amerika, where flaming skull festooned SWAT Team thugs go house to house dragging out old ladies and seizing legally held firearms

No Photos of Dead "Cockroaches" Allowed in New Orleans - Let CNN sue the Bush administration all it wants. It will make no difference in the new New Orleans, where the Pentagon is in control (along with Blackwater mercenaries and militarized cops) and the First, Second, and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution no longer exist.

FEMA, La. outsource Katrina body count to firm implicated in body-dumping scandals - In other words, FEMA and then Blanco outsourced the body count from Hurricane Katrina -- which many believe the worst natural disaster in U.S. history -- to a firm whose parent company is known for its "experience" at hiding and dumping bodies.

September 15, 2005

Amid Katrina Chaos, Congressman Used National Guard to Visit Home - Two Heavy Trucks, Helicopter Were Involved in Lawmaker's Trip at Height of Crisis - The water reached to the third step of Jefferson's house, a military source familiar with the incident told ABC News, and the vehicle pulled up onto Jefferson's front lawn so he wouldn't have to walk in the water

September 16, 2005

Israeli mobster who bought 25% of N.O. office space - In the 25-year history of the modern New Orleans Class A office market, no single owner has controlled 25 percent of the city's top office building market.

Judah Hertz:New Orleans After Schwartzes Are Gone - New Orleans Elite say: ~ "We gave them a bus ticket, a $2000 debit card, and some MRE's. They aren't welcome back'. Judah Hertz is our type of guy, and he is an asset.

Evidence Cheney was calling shots in Katrina crisis - Have you been wondering who was really running things while the seemingly near-retarded FEMA Director Michael Brown was giving nonstop interviews and press conferences those days after Katrina hit?

BLOCKING THE GRETNA BRIDGE - - by Michael C. Ruppert - Racism and Resource Scarcity May Be Siamese Twins in a Post-Petroleum World

Who Are The 75,000 Body Bags For? - Questions mount over Hurricane Katrina's death count. Estimates are now well below 10,000 with the death toll currently standing at 648 for Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida. So, why did the Bush Administration order 75,000 body bags?

September 17, 2005

Doctor says FEMA ordered him to stop treating hurricane victims - In the midst of administering chest compressions to a dying woman several days after Hurricane Katrina struck, Dr. Mark N. Perlmutter was ordered to stop by a federal official because he wasn't registered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Bush’s vision for New Orleans: a profiteer’s paradise - Corporate profiteering from the disaster is only the tip of the iceberg. Bush’s allies in the Republican-controlled Congress are urging that reconstruction be accompanied by measures limiting victims’ right to sue, establishing school vouchers, lifting restrictions on federal funds for religious groups, suspending environmental regulations on new oil refineries, waiving the estate tax, and enacting a flat tax.

Electricity Turned On In New Orleans Neighborhood For Bush, Turned Off When He Left - ...And yet last night, no more than an hour after the President departed, the lights went out.

Pentagon covering up shooting incidents in New Orleans and environs? - Reports are emanating out of New Orleans that National Guard, regular military, officers of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, and private security personnel have shot to death homeless and needy survivors of Hurricane Katrina.

FEMA's City of Anxiety in Florida - FEMA City, a dusty, baking, treeless collection of almost 500 trailers that was set up by the federal emergency agency last fall to house more than 1,500 people made homeless by Hurricane Charley, one of the most destructive storms in recent Florida history. The free shelter was welcomed by thankful survivors back then; almost a year later, most are still there -- angry, frustrated, depressed and increasingly desperate.

September 18, 2005

NOLA Excerpts - The deeper into the neighborhood we got, the more debris littered the deserted streets. "Fuck Bush. Them Bitches Flood Us," was written in black spray paint across a battered brick wall.

Former Attorney General under Ronald Reagan Edwin Meese has become an unofficial adviser for New Orleans area reconstruction. - Back in the 1980s, protest signs sported the slogan "Ed Meese Is A Pig." Twenty years later, the slogan still applies

President Bush to America's Millionaires: I Will Keep You Safe from Katrina Sacrifices - Administration officials have "clarified" that their Katrina recovery program will not interrupt an agenda of robust tax breaks for the wealthiest American families and corporations.

September 19, 2005

Profit system, not nature, main obstacle to rebuilding New Orleans - There are food, clothing, shelter, generators and other supplies aplenty for the suffering people of the Gulf Coast. But the bulk of these resources are in the grip of giant corporations that will only make them available if their profit interests are served.

Jackbooted Police State Emerging in New Orleans - ...the Steele Foundation apparently has a role in New Orleans. It appears Steele played a role in the abduction and removal of Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the democratically elected leader of Haiti.

September 20, 2005

Will Ed Meese Force Katrina Victims to Glean for Dinner? - Meese, as the "unofficial adviser for New Orleans area reconstruction" and a follower of Christian Reconstructionism will likely attempt to force his "faith-based" theocratic dogmatism on the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

FEMA Employees Lynched for Looting in New Orleans - The badly mangled bodies of three FEMA workers were discovered two days ago, hanging from a tree inside the courtyard of a French Quarter apartment. The bodies, found by U.S. Military Police units engaged in searching for survivors, bore crudely written placards that read, "FEMA THIEF-DIE," "RACIST PIG," and "FEMA LOOTER BITCH."

September 21, 2005

Wash Postie: 'Reasonable' Blacks Believe Levee Plot - "Reasonable" African Americans in New Orleans believe that the Bush administration engineered the levee breaks during Hurricane Katrina in a bid to save the city's white sections by flooding black neighborhoods, Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said Sunday.

Bush Taps Crony for Whitewash of Katrina - The major problem with this is that the proverbial fox will be overseeing the chicken coop. Townsend is a party loyalist. A faithful Republican servant of both the GOP and Bush. And now she'll be reporting to Bush's uber-operative, Karl Rove.

September 23, 2005

Will Rita be used as pretext to reflood New Orleans? - CNN correspondent (and likely British agent) Jeff Koinange said something interesting on Thursday night.

Purging the Poor - New Orleans is already displaying signs of a demographic shift so dramatic that some evacuees describe it as "ethnic cleansing."

Blackwater Down - One might ask, given the enormous presence in New Orleans of National Guard, US Army, US Border Patrol, local police from around the country and practically every other government agency with badges, why private security companies are needed, particularly to guard federal projects.

September 27, 2005

New Orleans: nothing to see here. - Well, we now have final confirmation that the horror stories about stabbings and rapes in the dome were fictitious.

September 28, 2005

It doesn't take a weatherman - See those red fingers on the left of the radar? Now whose might those be?

Twenty-five Questions about the Murder of the Big Easy - The Mysteries of New Orleans

September 29, 2005

WHAT THE $#@^#! BLACKWATER AND THE RED CROSS - Blackwater Security is now providing security to the Red Cross! That's right, you heard correctly. Armed mecenaries are providing security to a (supposedly) humanitarian relief organization.


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